Hello beautiful ladies,

The wonderful holiday season is finally upon us and I honestly can not be more exited! The cold weather, Christmas movies (ahem Netflix – I am watching Gilmore Girls currently and  wow I actually have no words it’s so good. Rory is actually like a genius and her mom is my favorite person in the whole world), and the coziness this entire season brings just calls me to bake chocolaty goodness basically everyday.

Baking has always been a passion of mine. I don’t know, maybe its just the thought of creating something delicious, or creating something delicious and sharing it with my family, or sometimes not even getting to the cooked part of the dessert and just eating all the batter (oops, but cookie dough and brownie batter is actually amazing so basically I can’t resist but eat the entire thing before it actually reaches the oven) But, in all seriousness, I love trying new things and putting my own spin and throwing in random ingredients into a recipe just to live life on the edge because, I mean YOLO right…(no one says that anymore, but I felt that acronym just felt appropriate here). Whenever I bake anything I usually try to stay with healthy desserts, but I mean I can’t not ever just throw in a gigantic bag of Nestle Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips, from Costco (which by the way is my favorite place on earth because of all the free food that is served on the weekends…I mean seriously it’s like eating a meal in there, and I am not even gaining any calories since I am burning it off when I have to walk over to the next sample station…it’s a win-win)  into a tiny bowl and stuff my face right? I mean, I am human with a beating soul who craves these terrible but delicious goodnesses!

I cannot help but love all sweets and treats but I especially love ginger bread/pumpkin  spice or a mixture of the two during the freezing temperatures. I was trying to find something that truly captured the essence of the holiday season (I know a bit dramatic) so of course…gingerbread! It was perfect and the spice from the gingerbread with the chocolaty flavor from the the hot chocolate I later made for myself is so perfect for a day like this! I was inspired by Zoe Sugg’s gingerbread truffles! These truffles turned out absolutely wonderful! They had their own sort of spice kick to it and the coating in chocolate definitely was the sweet and spicy I was looking for. Also, they were so so so(etc.) easy! It literally took no time at all, making the perfect little treat ten thousand times better!


1 box of Gingersnaps

1 pack of Cream Cheese

1 dash of Coco Powder

2 cups of Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

1/2 tsp Pumpkin Spice

Extra: Sprinkles



Crush all the gingersnaps in a food processor in put in a large bowl. Add cream cheese in small chunks into the large bowl.


Mix the mixture with your fingers. Once you have added in all of the cream cream cheese the consistency should be a bit wet but not too wet and sticky enough to form a ball. Add in  a dash of the coco powder. Next form your truffles by forming them into any size you would like and place them in a cookie sheet. Place the cookie sheet into the freezer for 30 minutes or until it is fairly hard from the outside.


Place the chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl and microwave in 15 sec increments until all the chocolate chips are melted and it is a silky mixture. Place a toothpick in the gingerbread and dip it into the chocolate. If you are wanting to decorate with sprinkles then decorate as soon as you take your truffle out of the chocolate so that the sprinkles can harden with the chocolate. Feel free to get creative and dress your truffles up in icing and sprinkles!


img_6955I absolutely loved these gingerbread truffles and turned out to be the most perfect bit of sweetness I was craving. They are also perfect to make for guests when they come over for holiday parties or just if you are partying solo and want a treat (no shame).

Definitely leave a comment and tell me how your truffles turned out and what your favorite holiday treats (like I am not even kidding, give me more holiday recipes – it’s the only time of the year where I don’t feel guilty about eating sugar for all 3 meals in a day!) Also, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Best wishes and Merry Christmas!

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6 Comments Add yours

  1. OMG these look so so so amazing u made me dribble!!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Happy New Year to you and your family!! Dominica from


    1. Saloni Gupta says:

      You are so sweet! Thank you! Happy New Year to you and your family as well!


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